
If the entire soul, then, follows without rebellion the part which loves wisdom, the result is that in general each part can carry out its own function-can be just, in other words-and in particular each is able to enjoy pleasures which are its own, the best, and, as far as possible, the truest.

Socrates, Quoted by Plato in Republic.

Photograph from metmuseum[.org]

Reza Ziaei

Master Violin Maker
Since 1991

Making Bow Instruments
"Classic & Baroque"

( Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass )

Repair and Restoration of Fine Instruments


Email: rezaziaeiandsons[at]gmail.com

No path will be lifesaving if it does not contain a profound view of infinite dimensions hidden within its structure. If we look at our world from a restricted viewpoint and a narrow angle and consider it safe from Criticism, we shall be the pioneers of lonely entities in a world which is full of hope and creativity.

The reflection and perception of the observer depends on the degree of his union with the essence of living and his harmony with the philosophy of every existent phenomenon which would determine the quality and quantity of his movement across the world.

Therefore, limited and inflexible methods which are not consistent with the Nature and the intellect consonant with it, would stimulate an insubstantial and unfounded power within us which would lead to unpredictable events which are in contradiction with our methods.

When we consider a wide scope while looking at phenomena and with extreme modesty we direct the potency of diffused perception to the central zone of partial deduction, there, our dominance over various events will be distinguished.

Hence, human and at the second place, the artist, will be inclined to an endeavor to observe the reality of this occurrence again and again.

This is the way he could analyze what is within the scope of his attention.

This issue, after achievement of desired results must contain an aestheticism extra to its existential foundation.

However, this concept would be immense, in terms of regarding art and science and possesses a great value per se.

The Artist, finds out the root of his art within his soul and after perceiving this innate and inherent blessing he would endeavor at taking steps for its growth and prosperity. He would be able to touch, understand and digest all events in every field.

And this issue is not confined to a specified path or a special tendency but the human essence is based on this principle thus, he in a non-idealistic society or even an idealistic one will follow this definition as he is determinant and is essentially dominant over it.

The atmosphere at which far from the agony of inhuman and anti-value hardships, the artist would spread his pure essence unintentionally and sparks of human Maturity and glory will be created out of his matter and will be bound to definition as Art.

There, all definitions won't represent the nature of the artist's fluctuations and he among various battlefields of what we call Life, will explore his way and along this unwanted persistence of growth and development, a new property of revival will accrue his surrounding, where he becomes a Creator.

A creator of the way of being, of finding himself. Creation among the fall into the depth of routine life where he finds his destruction, Inevitable. He will finally find out his existence and its essence and will be the Creator of his entity.

All rights reserved, COPYRIGHT © 2024 Reza Ziaei
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